Thus far the Lord has helped us
1 Sam 7:12
305 West 1st Ave | PO Box 632 | Lennox, SD | 57039 | 605.647.2659
Sunday Service
Worship 9:25 am
Sunday School 10:50 am
Evening Worship 6:30 pm
Our Pastor
Meet Pastor Ethan Sayler and family!
Ethan was born and raised in Augusta, Kansas, graduating from Augusta High in 1991, from Sterling College in 1995, and from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2001. While at Sterling, he met and eventually married Christine (Crow) from Wray, CO in 1995.
From excellent pastoral examples set for him in his youth, to his involvement with short term mission trips, Ethan knew early on that he wanted to be a pastor. Ordained in 2001 in the Presbyterian Church, Ethan's passions include preaching and teaching the word of God, providing pastoral, biblical counseling, and encouraging and equipping the church through dicipleship and study.
Christi graduated from Sterling in 1996 with a B.A. in Behavioral Sciences, and has put her studies to good use in nurturing and raising four wonderful and very active children.
Pastor Sayler's sermons may be heard on this website and you can read more of his blog writings here.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.
When I left college, I remember thinking I would never want to return. Well, I did. Choosing a different area of study, going back to school to study marriages and families was the challenge I desired. Strengthening relationships, empowering self-esteems, letting go of anxiety, and helping others to forgive self and others fit well with my love for people and God.

Along with helping those who are in abusive marriages and other hurtful relationships, helping those abused by the church is my passion. One would like to think that the things we read about in the Catholic Church would never happen in our church. But it has and it will.

Now God has opened this opportunity for me to serve at Lennox Ebenezer Presbyterian Church. Leading those of all ages in the importance of knowing God, studying His Word, and living out our lives as He desires us requires self-discipline, accountability, transparency, and hearts that are obedient. We need each other to learn, grow, and mature in the faith.
As member or visitor of Ebenezer, I invite you to stop by my office on Monday or Tuesday mornings to share, chat, or spend a little time getting to know one another. Walking together during this time in our lives gives support, a sense of belonging, and the fellowship we long for as we are "in Christ."
Judy De Wit
Director of Christian Education